Matt Gerson

When Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were asked to identify the most important factor for their success they both gave the same answer – “FOCUS”

Executive Vice President, Public Policy and Government Relations Universal Music Group, October 1995 – October 2015
Led the transitioning company’s interaction with the Congress and Administration, and coordinated its work with industry trade associations. An entertainment community leader who worked with executives around the world on matters involving intellectual property, the online and mobile marketplace, M&A, tax and international trade.

Vice President, Congressional Affairs Motion Picture Association of America, 1989 – 1995
Represented the major producers of movies and TV programming under the mentorship of the association’s legendary CEO, Jack Valenti.

General Counsel, United States Senate Judiciary Committee Technology and the Law Subcommittee, 1987 – 1988
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), Chairman

Counsel, United States Senate Judiciary Committee Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks Subcommittee, 1985 – 1986
Senator Charles Mathias (R-Maryland), Chairman
Devised strategies for and negotiated on behalf of the senators’ legislative, public policy and enforcement priorities

Georgetown University Law Center, JD, 1984 Tufts University, BA cum laude, 1980
Married with two children.  An avid skier and erratic golfer.

Founder and Chairman of Tracy’s Kids
A charity that helps children with cancer cope with the emotional toll imposed by the disease and its treatment. Watch this video — which captures its mission and impact.

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