about FocusDC

We may all see the same set of facts and the same playing field, but Matt typically comes up with an insight or strategic move that others miss. In a town where everyone says they are creative, he really is... I have always valued his novel perspective along with his signature candor."
Mitch Bainwol
Automobile Manufacturers Alliance
Matt’s relationships and credibility are real. Many people in Washington know one another but Matt connects in a way that enables him to provide input that policymakers respect and take seriously."
Former Congressman Howard Berman (D-Cal)
Matt has an ability to take a complicated subject and boil it down to its essence. It’s an invaluable skill when trying to engage busy people."
David Israelite
President and CEO
National Music Publishers Association
During my years in the Senate, Matt was always an informed and intelligent source of counsel and a trusted and wise advocate. More recently, we have been on the opposite sides of some high profile debates and through it all, my colleagues and I benefited from the good humor, integrity and thoughtfulness he brings to the table."
Former Senator Gordon Smith (R-Oregon)
Chairman and CEO
National Association of Broadcasters
Matt simultaneously focuses on big-picture strategies and small-picture tactics. He has the unusual ability to operate at 50,000 feet and 1,000 feet without losing sight of either. Meetings end with action items, follow-through and implementation."
Cary Sherman
Chairman and CEO
Recording Industry Association of America

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