Illustrative Representations

  • Collaborated with music industry leaders to make the online and mobile marketplace viable for artists and rights holders.
    X "As President and COO of Universal Music Group, I worked closely with Matt during a decade when our business faced tumultuous change. I always wanted him at the table as we discussed policy and strategy because even when issues were totally new to him he brought an invaluable common sense perspective. We were fortunate to have his experience navigating the sometime byzantine ways of government, as well as his extensive network of contacts -- people from both political parties who really like and respect him personally."
    Zach Horowitz
    former President and COO
    Universal Music Group
  • Repeated M&A experience as both the acquiring and acquired companies advocating before Congress and federal regulators.
    X "As President and COO of Universal Music Group, I worked closely with Matt during a decade when our business faced tumultuous change. I always wanted him at the table as we discussed policy and strategy because even when issues were totally new to him he brought an invaluable common sense perspective. We were fortunate to have his experience navigating the sometime byzantine ways of government, as well as his extensive network of contacts -- people from both political parties who really like and respect him personally."
    Zach Horowitz
    former President and COO
    Universal Music Group
  • Introduced a publicly traded manufacturer to DC’s policymakers and decision makers overseeing issues ranging from cybersecurity to substance abuse in the workplace.
    X "From the outset, Matt quickly brought ideas and broad based support to our unique program for helping our Richmond, Indiana workforce and community combat substance misuse. His expertise and action-oriented approach translated into valuable connections with state, congressional and White House officials, and generated greater awareness and support for the company and this initiative. As an aside, he is also an absolute pleasure to work with!"
    Dean McKenna
    Senior Vice President, Human Resources
    Belden Inc.
  • Providing programming and communications advice to a next generation cable provider introducing itself to the D.C. business and political marketplace.
    X "What my team most appreciates about Matt is that he is always thinking about us, continually coming to us with ideas and accessible whenever we need his input."
    Jeff Binder
    Chairman and CEO
    Layer3 TV
  • Worked with the head of a global independent investment bank to develop a plan for introducing the firm to Washington policymakers.
    X "Matt really gets Washington, and continually offers judgement and perspective I value."
    Ken Moelis
    Chairman and CEO
    Moelis & Co.
  • Guiding a start up in the injury prevention space so it can quickly introduce its innovative technology to congressional leaders and government officials.
    X "FocusDC quickly assessed our business, recognized how we fit into the congressional policymaking process, and delivered beyond expectations."
    John Currier
    Mobile Virtual Player
  • Offering strategic and marketing advice to an online subscription video programmer.
    X "Media companies -- indeed entire industries -- live or die based on decisions made in Washington. FocusDC has been an invaluable ear to the ground and sounding board for us as the nascent over-the-top television industry begins to take shape "
    John Klein
    Founder and CEO
  • Connecting a musician-focused start-up to artists and music execs who could use their online back office to better navigate the live entertainment space.
    X "Matt is a quick study who -- within weeks of our first meeting -- had me sitting with the right music industry pros in LA, DC and Nashville. "
    Nicole Gallub
  • Providing communications and messaging advice aimed at increasing market share for an online newsletter targeting boomers, older adults and care providers.
    X "Matt really keeps us focused on simplifying our messages and helps turn sleepy health care information into digestible, accessible advice."
    Diane Archer
  • Advising the Tourette Association of America on its representation before Congress and the federal agencies.
    X "Matt took our legislative game to a new level and, thanks to his guidance, unprecedented successes."
    Judit Ungar
    Tourette Association of America

Alpine Group

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